Speak Your Client’s Language

You\’ve spent countless hours (and a small fortune) to earn your degree, pass the bar,  complete annual CLEs and network with other lawyers.  It is no wonder that the way you communicate in speech and text can at times become a little verbose and overly technical.  Attorney content loaded with legalese and complex terms is one of the most prevalent mistakes we see with attorney websites.

There was a time when pure referral business and lack of clear choice for consumers had the potential to lead attorneys to “show their stuff” or justify their hourly rate through communicating in a very high brow legalese fashion.  It may still possibly have its place in boardrooms or other corporate settings (although I have my doubts) but it definitely does not translate well on your website or online marketing communications.  Consumers simply have too much choice when they are searching online for legal representation.  They want to feel that they are getting a very smart attorney but also an attorney they can trust and personally connect with.

Effective law firm websites use plain English (or other language if that is your audience) with a strategic focus on the natural use of keywords when writing copy for articles, blog posts and other written communication.  Use common sense, for instance use the term “whistleblower attorneys” instead of  “Qui Tam Law Firm” and “drug or device injuries” instead of “Mass Torts”.  This strategy serves three primary purposes: 

1.  It is simply easier for people to read.

2.  It makes you appear more approachable and empathetic during a challenging time for potential clients.

3.  The vast majority of consumers are going to use common language terms when searching for a lawyer online. 

People don’t search for generic terms. Think about what you do when you’re shopping for a car online. You don’t do a search on the word “car” because if you did you’d have to sort through about 35 million links. Instead you would probably type in something like “Ford Fusion reviews” or maybe, “best sedans under $30,000” The point is, you are adding very specific yet non-technical criteria. It’s the same with your potential clients. Google will reward your site when you are able to effectively communicate what your law firm does in a way that rewards consumers for being there. 

It seems simple but gets frequently missed:  Don’t make your website sound like a lawyer, unless you want other lawyers for clients. 

Contact JurisLead to find out how we can help your improve your law firm\’s business development efforts.