JurisLead Practice Areas:
How Does Lead Generation for Attorneys Work?
Legal lead generation for attorneys, high in quantity and quality, is necessary for the survival of a successful law firm. Consumers have taken control of when and where they seek legal services and new client inquiries (legal leads) are generated at any time of the day or night through online search.
JurisLead generates high quality, exclusive legal case leads from people searching the internet for help with an auto accident, workers compensation, personal injury or other legal matter. We use a variety of methods including search engine marketing, social media and organic online methods. We tailor every campaign to your specific area of law and geography and stay within the bounds of all local, state and national bar regulations.
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To capture great quality leads, we direct people searching the internet for legal help to an array of legal information websites. Basic information is provided to help consumers get an idea of what to do (and what not to do) in their specific situation. Should the potential claimant decide that they need additional help there is a opt-in form they can fill out for a free consultation from a qualified attorney.
The lead form is designed to screen their information to ensure that potential cases are within statute of limitations, they weren’t at fault (in the case of auto accidents), are not already represented by an attorney and other key parameters to ensure the highest possible lead quality and potential to become a great case.
To capture great quality leads, we direct people searching the internet for legal help to an array of legal information websites. Basic information is provided to help consumers get an idea of what to do (and what not to do) in their specific situation. Should the potential claimant decide that they need additional help there is a opt-in form they can fill out for a free consultation from a qualified attorney.
Should I Buy Legal Leads or Generate Them In-House?

Surprisingly, less than 25% of attorneys feel their new business efforts are effective. The main challenge is that there are so many elements that must come together for law firm marketing to be successful that it’s often difficult to know where to efficiently focus your limited resources.
The Internet is an excellent tool to uncover legal case leads since potential claimants are increasingly searching the web for legal help and representation. In fact, it is estimated that three-quarters of people in need of legal assistance relied on the internet during their search process.
Some law firms opt to build their own lead generation platform from the ground up, yet many have found that this approach is time consuming, tedious and ultimately more expensive than outsourcing to professional lead generation companies.
Anyone who owns or manages a law firm knows just how difficult legal lead generation for attorneys can be. Both approaches have their merits and can be successful. But with costs per click getting more expensive all the time, especially in the highly competitive auto accident and personal injury keywords, allowing expert legal lead generation partners do the heavy lifting will often produce better results. The goal is higher volumes, better quality and overall lower costs per secured case. Ultimately it is all about your return on the time and money invested.
How to Get More Qualified Cases From Legal Leads
Law firms that are the best at converting purchased leads tend to share some similar characteristics. Employing a dedicated intake team or a specialist who can focus specifically on converting leads will produce much better results than putting the burden on a busy attorney or paralegal. This way, your intake specialist can respond to each lead in a timely manner and be persistent. According to velocify.com, conversion rates drop dramatically if the prospect is not contacted within five minutes after the lead arrives. Leads should be contacted at least 5-7 times before your intake specialist gives up. The bottom line is that converting leads requires serious effort, but the payoff is well worth it.
For much less than the cost of hiring a marketing director or business development associate, JurisLead will supercharge your new business efforts by delivering high quality case leads directly to your email inbox in real time.
If you are interested in efficiently getting new cases and improving your attorney lead generation, contact JurisLead–start filling your funnel today!